Google Search tips: Everything you need to know.

Aniket Kumar
3 min readApr 25, 2021


  1. To match the exact search statement.
    Include your search keyword in double quotes. (“ ”)

This will return the result matching the sentence or the keyword in the double quote.

2. Remember studying logic gate AND / OR gate. We something similar in the Google Search too.

(i) ( Search_Keyword_1 OR Search_Keyword_2 ) Search_Keyword_3

(ii) (Search_Keyword_2 AND Search_Keyword_2 ) Search_Keyword_3

In the example (i) Google will return the results containing the Search_Keyword_1 as well as Search_Keyword_2.

While in example (ii) Google will return either Search_Keyword_1 or the Search_Keyword_2.

For example: (BBC OR TIMES) Covid News 

Remember to use the ‘OR’/ ‘AND’ in uppercase

3. Many of the times you do not want specific terms or phrase not to be included in the search term. Use the operator -
Keyword mentioned after the - will be excluded from the search result.

For example

Data structure -geeksforgeeks

This will display all the data structure website except those from the site “geeksforgeeks”.

4. To search a particular key-term or phrase inside a web domain.
Syntax key_term

Example, Suppose you are interested to check if particular problem exist on chegg or not. c++ how to print a star.

This will display all the problems on the chegg site for the problem.

5. * asterick act as a placeholder, just like fill in the blanks.
For example,
You want to search —

Why * developer is best? 

The above search will display
(i) Why Web Developer is best?
(ii) Why .NET Developer is best?
(iii) Why Software Developer is best?
and so….


6. To display search result after a given date

C++ Documentation after:2010:05:10

The general format to use

after:YYYY:MM:DD or before:YYYY:MM:DD

7. To search for a specific filetype

filetype:pdf/txt/css/xlsx/….. [key_phrase]

filetype:pdf india budget


8. To display all the related search.

For example, you really love Netflix and want to look at those sites which are similar to Netflix or suppose you want to look at other shopping website similar to amazon.
Search: /

Google will display all the website which are similar.

9. Location based search

covid19 location:jaipur

Syntax: [Search_Term] location:[Location_Name]


10 .To search for all the words appearing in the body text of the given page, while ignoring all the other URL, head and such.


For example:

allintext:IEEE 2019 Artificial intelligence event


11. To find all the terms which have a particular keyword in the title tag.
<title> XYZ </title>
For example, if you want a particular term to appear in the title tag

Use the following syntax

Search_term intitle:[Search_Term_1]

Here, google will display all the results which have the Search_Term_1 in the title tag.


12. Search URL.
General format of the url is something.

But suppose you want to search all url having a particular keyword present in it.
For example:


The result will show all url having the key term in dsalgo present in it.

<a href=”">Google Vectors by Vecteezy</a>

